Swasthya Swaraj

Mission & Causes


We dream of a people’s movement for SWARAJ in health –

A just and equitable society, free from the shackles of ill health, illiteracy and poverty.

We need your support to reach out to the least priviliged!

Maternal health care in remote villages of Odisha
Rampur block
Help Children in remote villages of Odisha.
Thuamul Rampur block
Help women in remote villages of Odisha get access to maternal health care

Swasthya Swaraj is registered under Society Registration Act XXI of 1860-XVII/21/14/51 of 2014. 

All donations are tax exempted under 80G (Provisional Approval Number: AAKAS8424MF20145, valid from AY 2022- 23 to AY 2026- 27)

FCRA Available (Registration Number - 104950105)