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Tribal Health Fellowship

Tribal Health Fellowship

Tribal Health Fellowship

Swasthya Swaraj offers an oppurtunity to those medical doctors who are looking to work in highly challenging areas and who can commit their time with the organisation where they provide their medical services. In tandem, one will get an oppurtunity to understand the culture of the ‘Kutia Kondh’ tribe (a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group).

THF is one year of unique experiences in the area of comprehensive primary healthcare in the tribal block of Thuamul Rampur in the Kalahandi district. This will be a paid fellowship. In addition, it offers an opportunity for learning, interacting, involving in research on relevant topics, and receiving mentorship from eminent doctors passionate about tribal health.

This is nurturing a bunch of young doctors as next-generation leaders in health to promote health equity in the country. This program seeks to enhance the passion, dedication, and commitment of young doctors by mentoring them and providing them opportunities for experiential learning by working in challenging situations, to empower them to pursue their own quest for social justice in health. 

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